Free New Tomato Plants from Sideshoots

Tomato SideshootsHow to remove sideshoots from tomatoes and use them to provide free new tomato plants.

It’s very confusing to the new gardener. What are tomato sideshoots? How do I remove them? Hopefully this clip will show you.

Now if like me, you hate waste, then you can use the sideshoots you take off early in the season to produce new plants for free.

Just dib a hole into compost with your finger, drop the sideshoot in and water well. In a matter of a few weeks you’ll have a whole new plant on the go. You don’t need to fuss about. It really is that easy. The one I demonstrated in this clip was just left on the table and grew away strongly.

There’s a lot more on growing tomatoes on the site.

Posted in John's Gardening Tips
15 comments on “Free New Tomato Plants from Sideshoots
  1. julie says:

    looked at some of your vidios,and they are so helpful. so thank you very much

  2. Kathryn says:

    I’ve just watched the video on new plants from side shoots on tomatoes.
    I’ve been growing tomatoes forever, and never knew that. Can’t wait to try it, thanks ….

  3. Richie says:

    Hi just watched your video on side shoots, will carrying this out in the future
    heres hoping thank you

  4. Dave says:

    Hi, just looked at video regarding using side shoots for new plants, fantastic tip, will try that, thank you very much.

  5. MaoJohn says:

    Loving your videos very informative concise and make gardening look easy, thank you am learning a lot, better than any book, thank you.

  6. Pat Wooding says:

    Really impressed with that !
    Definitely going to try it and pass the idea on.
    I look forward to your emails …thank you

  7. Stephen Jupp says:

    Very helpful video, Would this work with F1 plants like Crimson crush?

    • John Harrison says:

      Stephen – Yes it will. The sideshoot plant is basically a clone of the parent.
      As you obviously know (although others may not) you won’t be able to get a true plant from an F1 saved seeds.

  8. John Woodman says:

    I’ve tried on-and-off for twenty years, but I’ve never been able to master this. Just can’t tell which are side-shoots and which are leaves. I have grown the occasional outdoor bush tomato, but without great success.

    • John Harrison says:

      I really don’t see how I can make it any clearer than the video above.

      • John Woodman says:

        The video couldn’t be clearer, John. Unfortunately none of my tomato plants have ever looked like that! I’m resigned to the fact that I can’t grow tomatoes.

  9. Sue Wright says:

    An excellent video, John, very many thanks indeed for this wonderful idea. Would it also work from a plum tomatoe plant? They’re my favourite, though hubby’s far more conservative with his plants.

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